I recently completed a custom Chickenpants, and I think you might enjoy her. Behold the splendor that is

Making her involved lots of glue gun seared finger tips, but it was so worth it.

She's number 347! We're getting perilously close to 350 Chickenpants, people.


That is too cute.
It seems rather strange to use the words saucy and chicken in the same sentence but I have! She is rather cool!
And her name was LOLA! Love the headdress and nothing there costume! Too funny!
Thank you all! ^-^
That dirty chicken. What would her mother say?
I tagged you in a blog game, Chickenpants.
What a brazen but adorable hussy you are, Ms. Chickenpants! I've linked to you in a blog post today.
Party on!
I'm already singing the Barry Manilow song in my head - very cute!
Scrivener's: Thank you! And I am checking out the tag right now. Wait, in a minute. Now. Now.
Sharon: Thanks so much! I am checking you out in a minute, too!
Jacaranda: Thanks kindly!
ha! that is too funny
She's SO perfect! The whole family's getting such a kick out of her. I don't know how I'm ever going to force myself to put her back in the box and send her to my friend. Hmmm...but it's the thought that counts, right? Does that means I can keep her? Zog's quite smitten with her, afterall. Really, I should do it for him - you know, after the whole Honey heartbreak thing. ;p
Thanks for doing such a great job on her. She really is fantastic.
Yay! I'm so glad you like her! ^-^
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