That, my friends, is a zygote. A zygote that has taken up residence in my very own lady parts. Trust me, it's there.
Shock! Awe! Swooning!
Needless to say, the Dan and I are very happy and thrilled about this little change in lifestyle. And it's already turned everything upside down.
The nausea! Oh my sweet Wesley, the nausea! Here is something I did not know about morning sickness: It does not go away after the morning. Nope. Sticks around all day, and on into the night. It is DELIGHTFUL. And it makes getting anything done very, very hard.
So, remember how I was all like "July 1st I'm launching the comics site! And it's going to be amazing!"
Um. That was BEFORE I found out and became so queasy I could hardly move. Suffice it to say, I'm a little behind schedule. Not only behind, but now I'm re-evaluating the project. Suddenly I don't have as much time in the day as I thought I did.
Good grief, I'm already going soft.
Also: squishy. There's a lot of eating of crackers going on.
Many congrats to both of you!
That is wonderful! Congratulations!
That is AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME news!!!!! =)
Very exciting! Congrats!
This is the best kind of sidetracking...congratulations and be well. I can symathize with the morning sickness so really, be well :)
Congrats! Try red-hots I hear they help with nausea.
Congratulations and good luck with the morning sickness. I hope it disappears after the first trimester.
Oh how exciting :) Congratulations!
awww congratulations!
Sorry to hear about the sickness though. I haven't suffered from it but 'oh the tiredness' got me instead.
Congratulations! When my best friend was pregnant, we called her son "the swimming chicken", which may be quite appropriate for your own zygote, too :) Good luck and may the nausea subside soon!
Congrats! :)
Thanks very much, everyone!! I'd try and reply to you all individually, but you know, the tiredness.
(Also! I now have excuses for days! Upside!)
hehe, so it was a BIG surpise ... well, at least you are sensibly doing one at a time ... you get double the sickness with twins ...
hugs and likcs from hamster car xxx
Bahahaha @ "ohmysweetwesley"
Also, congratulations!!! I'm sure you've been receiving much unsolicited advice already, but I have to chime in with my own little piece of morning sickness wisdom: Cherry cordial ice cream.
Oh and at all costs, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT give in to any bologna sandwich cravings, no matter how strong they are. You will be sorry.
Cat & Sew Sweet: thanks for the advice! ^-^ So far, no bologna.
Yippeeeeeeeeeee!! Another one bites the dust! Welcome to the Mommy club. Life'll never be the same again. It's the happiest misery you'll ever know...or is it the most miserable happiness you'll ever know. I dunno...too tired to think. Funny...it's been 4 years since I've been pregnant, but I'm still so tired.
I think that's my way of saying congratulations. Oh! And when will we see our first preggo chickenpants?
Ha ha! Uh, thanks? :)
Congrats! Your little one's going to be so lucky to have a mom like you! :)
Aw, thank you!
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