Friday, February 19, 2010

Inspiration Friday

❀ Cartoons on post its= brilliant. Cartoons on post its about CHICKENS? Love.

✿The Photojojo newsletter brought to my attention. An online game where you take photos of things around your neighborhood, and then there are scores. I'm on my first cup of coffee here, and the words doing isn't. Is cool!

❀ Amazing article about project planning over at Craft Leftovers. No, seriously. Worth memorizing.

Flaming Lips house! Fab! When can I move in?

And finally: the cutest video ever.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Teddy Started It said...

Flaming Lips house - not the coziest place I've seen, but too cool. That fireplace is incredible!

BTW, Zog arrived today. He's adapting to his new surroundings:D

Orgo Cosmetics said...

That video is sooo cute! I can't understand what they are saying, though! lol!

Absolutely Small said...

Thank you for the sweet comments, ladies! ^-^
Teddy: going to check out your post now!
Amber: Me, either- but it sure is cute! I wish I spoke Japanese.


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