Friday, January 22, 2010

Inspiration Friday

Let's start this Inspiration Friday off right with some eye candy:

Originally uploaded by Tinymeat™

I could really go for some crazy colored macarons right now.

This video is called "Girls are bad at sound effects", but I think it's pretty awesome:

Pew pew pew pew!

Speaking of...sounds behold this comic of a chick doing impressions...

of other chickens.

Today, in the I WANT THIS category:

Pretty hairpins by DawnWillBreak.

I can't get over how beautiful this rooster is:

Chicken Crossing The Road
Originally uploaded by Bob Jagendorf

Click on it! You've got to see it big.

That's it for today. Have a great weekend, everyone!


cabin + cub said...

Love that video... I must admit my sound effects are pretty lame too. ratatatatata..pewpewpewpew

Fern said...

My mouth is watering at those macaroons... YUM!

Absolutely Small said...

Thanks for the sweet comments!
Cabin + Cub: me too!
31 everything: Every time I see that photo, I get hungry. Time for a new blog post.


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