Monday, January 18, 2010

Absolutely Small Goodie Roundup

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you're enjoying a day off.
I've got a practically idyllic day ahead of me: the husband is home from work, it's amazingly stormy outside, and I just made a batch of ATF Gingerbread. Which said husband refuses to eat. (Too gingery!) So it's all mine. Sweet.
Anyway, onto the promised new goodies:
"Well, hullo there ma'am. Saddle your horse for you?"

That's right: tiny hats for Chickenpants! I've been hoarding tiny hats for years. It all started with another chicken based project*, actually...but I digress.
Choose from:

The Southern

Perfect for fanning your face with as you drink a mint julep and try to avoid catching "the vapors".

The Huck Finn

Mischievous Chickenpants need to keep the sun off their heads, too, you know.

The Mini Minnie Pearl


You can check them and many other neat-o accessories out in the Doll Accessories section of the shop.

I am racing to get this post posted before the storm takes out our power. No, really. Apparently, the power company did not plan for things like "rain" or "wind" when they built the lines. So I'll have to wait to tell you about the new creatures that will be added to the ol' shop very very soon. (New Jack the Jungle Pup! New CPs! New new accessories! Stuff!) Stay tuned, and stay warm everyone! ^-^

*Chicks in Hats- the live action short film. No, really.


Welcome said...

How cute! The little cow-chick made me laugh right away, in that good and happy way.

Chasity said...

I just found your blog from Etsy..those are so cute! So much more creative than I am..=)

*New Fan*

Teddy Started It said...

Ha! My husband used to refuse my gingerbread too -- which didn't bother me in the least. After all these years, he's figured out that the stuff's yummy, and now he keeps eating it all up. any bruiser Chickenpants that'll keep the Man's dirty mitts off my gingerbread?

Absolutely Small said...

Thanks for the sweet comments, everyone!
Welcome: Laughter is very much encouraged here! ^-^
Chastity: Thanks for coming over!
Teddy: Check out the photo of these two:
Tough stuff!


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