Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Obsession of the moment: Bunny Mouths

Oh, the weird search results I am going to be getting in Google Analytics for this post.
But! Anyway! Bunny mouths! Is there anything cuter? As a bunny owner who is constantly trying to photograph said bunny, there is nothing more difficult to capture than the bunny mouth*. Here's my best photo to date:
bunny leeps!

One photo is simply not enough, of course. Internet searches to the rescue! Here's the most interesting/cutest things I found:

A quick search on the internets turned up a site called, yes It appears to be a collaborative homepage for a few illustrators.

Penny Lane
Originally uploaded by Steffen Jakob

Argylewhale, maker of impossibly cute bunny artwork, even has a bunny mouth tattoo!

For starters...
Originally uploaded by Justin and Elise

A Big Smile
Originally uploaded by RosyBunny

Ashley White Jacobsen knows her away around capturing a bunny mouth in paint, too:

Stand up
Originally uploaded by RosyBunny

And of course, if you have cute bunny mouth linkage, send it over! (By way of commenting below)

*Except of course, for the ever elusive bunny tounge!

lola with tounge!
Originally uploaded by mupton


Barbra said...

OMG, too adorable. Thanks for the smile of the day!

LEFTZ said...


EmmysBoosAndRawrs said...

hahaha. they look so STRANGE if you look at them for too long! it's weird.

I really like that girls tattoo. I don't think most people would realize what it was at first. I know I wouldn't have, if it wasn't on a bunny related post.

Mandalika said...

Ahhh that is so cute!

Absolutely Small said...

Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you're enjoying the bunny mouths!
(At first I thought this was just too weird a topic to post about...but too cute to resist!)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - cutest post ever! That first one is to die for!


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