Monday, December 22, 2008

Goodies from the Shop Update

Oh my goodness is it ever winter. I planned on writing this post days ago. Anyway, here are a few of the lovelies from Friday's shop update. Forgive the photos- I haven't quite figured out the lighting in the new place.

One of the things I'm happiest about is finally getting a Chickenpants card posted to the shop. I don't know why it's taken me so long. Expect to see other varieties in the future! (If you have a request for a particular favorite, let me know!)

One lovely purple & dotted Poppet.

In other Chickenpants news, there's a new Chickenpants Grande in town named Aleene. I think one of the main reasons I don't post too many of these gigantors to the shop is because they are sooo hard to photograph well. Due to you know, the largeness. But they are so much fun in person!

Maria does not want to hear your excuses. Talk to the wing buddy, cause the beak isn't buying it!

Isobel lives in the forest, and obviously has a thing for jumping in and out of piles of leaves.

And that's just a few of the newbies in the shop. I've been relisting all weekend, so things are a little jumbled up in there right now. Look for the ones with only a few views. ^-^

Thanks for reading!

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