Friday, March 19, 2010

Inspiration Friday

One of the constant treats on my contacts page in Flickr:

Originally uploaded by milk & kisses

Anything by Milk & Kisses. She takes Sonny Angels and Re-Ment and photographs them in such a way that it makes my wallet ache. (With...hunger. For all the spending. On cute toys.)

There is now a site devoted to MST3K Haiku!! And it is quite fun. Although this begs the question: Which is more fun, humorous haiku or limericks?

Originally uploaded by bedside diagnosis

Gorgeous, amazing visual journals by Bedside Diagnosis on Flickr.
No seriously, they're amazing. At first glance, they're just inspiring: "Hey! Look at all the fun sorts of things I could be doing in my own sketchbook! Look how much a sketchbook can be!" But after looking at just how many pages there are, and the great variations...honestly, it's just stunning.
Check them out here and here.

And finally, Boba Fett playing the Zelda theme on accordion:

Oh Boba. What happened to you?


Erica said...

What a great debate, haiku or limerick?

I love both, think I would have to go with limerick. I like that they rhyme, and I can be dense enough for some haiku's to go right over my head.

Kim Caro said...

i love making collages... well i used to do it all the time.

Jessie Mae said...

Oh man, do I ever know some people who must see the Boba Fett accordion solo. Thank you so much for putting it up!

SonoSono said...

I <3 Milk & Kisses! The pictures always make me want to hop over to evilbay and look for re-ments!

SleightGirl said...

Awww! Milk and kisses! So cute!

Absolutely Small said...

Thank you for the sweet comments, everyone! I'm glad you enjoyed the links! ^-^


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