Brace yourselves, and shield any kiddie's eyes. No, seriously.
Imagine going through a box, pulling out prayer card after prayer card, and then suddenly, YOU SEE THIS:
Hey baby, nice armless legless torso!
Are those plungers?
Is that breast personalized with a mole?
Oh the horror.
I don't even know which aspect of this cake is more terrible. The rubbery looking plunger nips? 70's man about to take a bite? The MOLE which says, hey, not only is this cake lewd, it's modeled after SOMEONE YOU KNOW WHO IS PROBABLY AT THIS PARTY! Or is it the "Happy Birthday DADDY" inscription? Yeah, that may be it.
It was the Happy Birthday Daddy that got me too!!
oh my god, definitely the Happy Birthday Daddy, bizarre and hilarious!
I'm thinking that the guy's name was "Paddy." I choose to think that, so as to be slightly less traumatized.
submit to this STAT:
Oh, Daddy.
Glad you're all enjoying it!
I just learned a new way to surprise and disgust my daughter when she is an adult.
Adams Bday cake this year will be a plunger nipple naked torso.
Lots of pictures will have to happen.
This post made me crack up!
when my dad turned 50, i was 10, and he got a cake like this. seriously. it really happens!
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