Friday, June 6, 2008

I got a treasury!

(If you're not an Etsy person, I guess that doesn't mean anything to you. If you are an Etsy person, you now know that I am AWESOME!)
Come on by!
Click on things! Comment, please! Blah blah blah.
Anyway, the theme of the treasury is "Foux De Fafa"- it's plushies with a decidedly French flair.


Katie L. said...

Very cute treasury! If I could speak french,I would say something witty or funny in French, but, I know I'd embarrass myself if I tried. I can say Bonjour, J'mappelle Katie, et toi? I don't know if the spelling is correct though, it's been 7 years since I took French.
ANYWAY, congrats on snagging a treasury! I did too :) We both rock today!

Brandy said...

Love the treasury and the added Flight of the Conchords puppets because that is immediately what I thought of when I saw your title! Lots of cute stuff in there, though.


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