Monday, June 2, 2008

Buns and Chou Chou...and Chickenpants

Hey, ya'll. This just made my morning:

I loooove the show Rabbit Bites. It's actually one of my little dreams, to someday have them make fun of the Chickenpants movies. ^-^ So this was pretty much just as good!
Here are the photos I posted up Saturday night. I was making tiny lightsabers for a Star Wars thing I'd be taking photos of the next day...

Okay, we've got the lightsabers and the Rabbit Bites...
Originally uploaded by absolutely small

while watching Rabbit Bites, naturally.

Buns and Chickenpants
Originally uploaded by absolutely small

I'll be back later with some photos of the Star Wars thing...the Chickenpants were almost eaten by Chewbacca, stolen by a Jedi, shot by Boba Fett's was quite an eventful day.


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