Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Links and Lovin'

Or something like that.
First, I just have to share with you this amazing Wooliture that was made of Topanga!

"Topanga" Pug Wooliture
Originally uploaded by rosethistleartworks

It was made by the very talented Rose Thistle Artworks. It is even more adorable in person! The above photo is hers...I've been a little lax in the photo department as of late. (well, at least with my own personal photos. More on that later, hopefully!) She has a great talent of really capturing the personality of the individual creature in her sculptures. I just love my tiny Topanga sculpture!

And I don't know how I managed to not mention this earlier, but one of the cool things that happened at Maker Faire was that I got to meet Ms. Plush You in person! She didn't forget to mention it, though, and you can see a geeky photo of me on her blog. Can I just say that she was super, super sweet in real life, too? Although somehow, in my mind I always pictured her as a glasses wearer, like myself...hmmm...

Toycyte gave the Chickenpants a very nice writeup! They are part 2 out of the 5 part Maker Faire recap. Thank you, Toycyte!
(The blindbox toys he mentions I made just for Maker Faire...and out of 20, I only have two left!)

KLEAN Bath and Body gave us a Digg on her blog, too. It's basically just a link back to the post I made earlier, but I'm mentioning it because oh, my goodness, do her products smell amazing! I am so hooked.

Yet another very fun thing about Maker Faire was getting a chance to meet some people I know from the interwebs IRL! Such as Pollyanna Cowgirl. And Tokyo Bunnie...Isby Blue...just to mention a few!

Also! Through the Etsy forums, I came across this new start-up blog: A Blog For Blogs. She's setting up a sort of directory of Etsy bloggers. PLUS, she's offering free advertising, so you may want to hop on over there if that's the sort of thing you're looking for...

And on that note, I am hereby wrapping up this terribly long post. Thank you for reading all this. I'll be back soon with a new brood of Chickenpants Babies!


Art Kat said...

Oh that dog is super cute! Thanks for the shout! =D



Mrs.Kwitty said...

Hi--how nice of you to visit my blog today! It sounds like you had a great time at the fair--and lucky you to meet some Etsyans in person! (I peeked at your photo...NOT geeky! you look sweet.)

Smiles, Karen


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