Thursday, April 17, 2008

The softies awards approacheth

And I was mentioned in a Softies central blog post!, and thank you!
Tomorrow's the deadline for entering...fingers are crossed tight over here!
I remember last year's Softie Awards really fondly. I had just started sharing my plush creatures with the world, and I wasn't too confident about them yet. Both making softies and sharing my work were totally new to me. I timidly entered two guys into the Softie Awards. I was so nervous!

Chicken bandit softie
Originally uploaded by absolutely small

Thanks to that, I was mentioned on a blog for the first time: Softies Central! And it really made my whole week. More than that, it really boosted my confidence that I was making something good. It's so wonderful to be validated.
So, thank you, Softies Central!

Chick softie
Originally uploaded by absolutely small

And if you're a softie/plushie creator, remember to enter the contest!

1 comment:


Hello From Canada! I love, love, love your work. I've featured you today over at my place!


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